Tuesday, October 20, 2009

People For Peace?

Lately Adam and I have been focusing on creating an environment of peace. We have found that since both of us don't like to pick up after ourselves, and both of us are very clutter-prone people, we have little peace. We are making efforts to not only get rid of 1/2 of our house, but also to not buy things. Just because it is on sale, does not necessitate my need for it. Yes, it is nice, yes it is a great bargain, but do we need it? Will we use it immediately? Wow, I could leave the Kleenex on the floor, or I could just take the time to bend over and pick it up now. Cleaning up after yourself saves a lot of time and emotional stress:) If you are so led, please pray for us about this.

Okay, more on being people of peace:

Saturday, Adam, Haylee and I were driving home from the coffee house. We were in a long line-up at the stop lights and a man behind us (who apparently thought we were blocking him on purpose from not getting into the left hand turn lane, even though we were simply at the back of the line making it so that he would have to patiently wait to turn) started honking his horn. We turned to look because we were not aware that we were doing anything wrong, and as we did, we saw a very grumpy face giving us the finger. He just sat there staring at us, waving his arm angrily with his middle finger up. We laughed nervously a little because we were in shock. Then, the shock turned into astonishment as he passed us on the left and we saw his bumper sticker. It said "People for Peace."
I started laughing so hard, I started to choke, and I almost threw up! The irony.

So, my moral of the day is, don't put bumper stickers on your car. You just never know about yourself:)

Make it a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I thought that I already commented on this one but I am still learning. I love you Eve more then life itself. I can't get enough of you. Your husband
