Thursday, October 1, 2009


So, for the last 4 days now, I have been sick. So sick that my lovely store has been closed for 3 of those days. I am very glad that i am getting better. It is hard work being sick. You have to drink lots of liquids, sleep a lot, pee a lot, and you are so sore. My whole body still hurts, but i think it hurts mostly from all the coughing now. I have been very dizzy. I have been having very strange dreams about my hometown. I have been feeling like I am literally going to crawl out of my skin. My head has been pounding and I have been spinning. But, eventually, I will get better and then, I will really appreciate my health. You never appreciate something more than when you have lost it.
More later, when the shaking subsides...............

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are feeling better now. Ugh it is awful and you are so right about how it makes you feel more appreciative about good health. I can't wait to see ya on Monday. Miss my eve:) I hope you and Adam got out of the rain at the farmers market!!!!
