Thursday, September 24, 2009

the past and the future

So, this lady named Becky came in today to get coffee and scones. She said, "I heard that your husband is a pastor." I said, "yes, he used to be one." That felt weird. But that is what "used" to be the case. Then she said, "yeah, I used to be a Catholic, but now I am studying to become a Lutheran." She stopped going to the Catholic church when they wouldn't let her take communion anymore because she got a divorce. She still loves all the tradition, but she was bothered by the communion thing. I guess getting divorced is called breaking a sacrament. Now she feels alive. She said that this summer she finally found out what Grace was. She had never understood it before. She always has believed that Jesus died on the cross for her sins, but has never understood grace. She said she literally feels that she is filled with the Holy Spirit now too because she can finally understand the scriptures. She loves reading her Bible. She is in 2 Bible studies. She is one happy camper. It is so great to hear the testimony of another believer. So encouraging. So reasuring.

1 comment:

  1. AH the journey of faith. My Mother and father divorced. Here comes out my catholic knowledge base:) The Sacrament of Marriage is held in great reverance in the eyes of God and the church. But, divorce is frowned upon, but it is neccessary in certain situations. Like my own parents situation. You can recieve communion if one goes and has counsel with the priest. A way of working on the process of the effects of divorce. My Mother found such comfort in this process. We as Catholic's communion is a big thing- communion is not symbolic in our eyes, but is believed to be the true presence. It saddens me everyday in the last three years to not be able to recieve communion. But, I adore my faith so much I can't give it up. One of these days I just need to get down there and visit with my Priest:)
    Thank you for sharing Becky's story and I am so excited for her and her spiritual journey:) Sorry I was so long winded:)
    Eve I adore how open you are about your relationship with Jesus. Beautiful. Beautiful.
