Monday, November 23, 2009

Fights and Misunderstandings

So I am "fighting" with someone I love very much right now. I don't want to fight, but they are very mad at me for being honest with them. I have decided to attempt to not let my feelings get in the way here and simply not fight back, and allow the Lord to help us here. I am not saying that I am right, or that the other person is all wrong. Just that I cannot do this on my own, and I really need the Lord to give us wisdom here.

I come from a long line of defensive hot-heads. We get mad when people try to call us out on things. We jump quickly to conclusions that are often wrong. We get mad if someone doesn't answer us right away if we ask them a question (even if they didn't hear us). We get mad when the Packers don't win. :)
That being said, I have come to realize that our immediate defensiveness has got something deeper at it's core. I believe it is a fear of rejection. A fear of rejection that the devil has made grow and fester more and more since we were little children. For instance, if someone doesn't answer me, i take offense at that, "well, whatever! Don't answer me then! I knew you really didn't love me. I knew you were just using me."--this is what actually goes through my head sometimes when Adam doesn't answer me right away. WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP! Sometimes he just doesn't hear me. Sometimes he has to think about his answer longer. Sometimes, I just need to learn to be patient. To sum all this up, we are selfish people. We just assume that everything is about us. We just don't take the time to say, "hmmmmm, I wonder what is really wrong here?"
A great fear of humankind is being rejected. We will be rejected by many. That is just a part of life. What I hope i can focus on, is that I need to continue to strive to find my worth in the Lord. And know that He has never and will never reject me. In fact, he was rejected for me. And I need to try to help others understand that too.

Spook, I love you. I don't want to fight with you. Pray. Ask for guidance though this.

1 comment:

  1. Honesty is the best policy:) Stand your ground if it feels right in your heart. Sometimes when the defensives come up, there is a nerve of truth hit. One thing I have learned is enabling someone out of fear of them being mad is only making any problem worse. I hope this all makes some sense due to not knowing the whole story:)
